Dreams: ♥ Gratuate ♥ Get a DSLR camera ♥ Open my own clothing shoppe ♥ Find my Doctor ♥ Own two kitties at one time ♥ Visit London ♥ Bake macrons ♥ Get better at photography ♥ Go on a fabulous road trip ♥ Live in a place where I can bike lots ♥ Grow a garden ♥ Get a picture of me standing on the hood of a car at a beach ♥ Get flowers as a gift from someone special ♥
Why do the simple things often seem so challenging?
It's true. These are not grand feats ... It's just about making them happen, starting today.
Elegantly Academic
We seem to share a lot of dreams. defo on my list are the DSLR, London (although I've been there once already), photography and road trip. We might take that road trip next year ^^ in France! I'm already looking foward to it ^^ x